Monday, December 17, 2012

Softcup menstrual cup

I must have seen the Softcup at least fifty times through the years, and passed it up. It was constantly there on the aisle with the other feminine hygiene supplies. When I did pick the box up and I read the description, I had no interest in what I thought was a "gross" idea.

Fast forward to October 2012, I was browsing through my local drugstore and there it was again, the Softcup. So in spite of my previous opinion I picked the box up and placed it in the cart. Now, any of my close friends (2 to be exact), can tell you how I detest my period. There I said it. As natural as it is, as long as I've lived with it, I DETEST it.  What's worse is that I absolutely can't wear tampons. I wouldn't if I could, I strongly dislike those too. Which left me with one option, the pad or so I thought.

**Que the angels** I used the Softcup for the first time and I was in love with it. Now there is a learning curve. But it is not, I repeat NOT gross. The fluid is captured in the cup. If inserted and removed properly, it remains in the cup. You empty it in the toilet, rinse and reinsert. The cup can be worn for up to 12 hours. After this it must be removed and rinsed if your reusing, or replaced if being disposed of. It may require more frequent removal and emptying depending on menstrual flow.

I have used the disposable and reusable Softcup and the only difference is that the reusable has a more durable material used to capture the fluid. However I've used the disposable for multiple days with no problems.

I must say that I highly recommend the Softcup. It has made my period virtually undetectable. In addition it is very clean, as I don't have on a used pad next to my skin with waste on it, and I don't have to use a tampon which would hold the waste in, place me at risk of TSS, and is processed using chemicals. The only negative is that it has to be disposed of. The price point is about $7-$9.00 for the 14 pack of disposables, and $6-7 for a 2 pack of reusables which are only available online but this price includes shipping. They have excellent customer service. I would advise you not to knock it until you try it. Just think that I missed out on the benefits of Softcup for so long. I am so happy that I gave in to curiosity and tried it. I can truly say it changed my life. I am in no way affiliated with, employed by, persuaded, coached or compensated by evofem the manufacturer of Instead Softcup.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


KREYOL ESSENCE: Palma Christi : Oil of Haiti - 100% Organic & Unrefined Haitian Black Castor Oil (Lwil Maskreti) Recently I started a Castor oil challenge that I've written about on the blog. While doing research of Jamaican Black Castor Oil, I came accross information about Haitian Black Castor Oil from Haiti. I asked around and one of my Haitian friends referred to it as Lwil Maskreti (will-mass-cri-tee), the Kreyol name. Even then it sounded familiar but I couldn't figure out why. After going to all of the ethnic,stores around town I finally came across an ounce of the oil, which was in very limited supply being that it had to be imported by someone traveling from Haiti.

 It is stored in a jug behind the counter of the store, usually wrapped to be protected from the light. After one whiff I vividly remembered where I'd first smelled the Haitian oil, the babies that my grandmother kept for the Haitian women that worked in the fields. When they were sick, their mother's would always bring this little dropper bottle of oil. It smelled like smoke and wood ash, and we had to rub it in the top of their heads, onto their foreheads, and their chests. It was also given internally and my grandmother hated that because it made them use the bathroom and that meant more diapers to change. It was called Lwil Maskreti (will mass-cri-tee). We didn't know that it was Black Castor Oil from Haiti, the same thing as the thick, light yellow Castor oil my grandmother would make us swallow when we were sick, and to scathe off illness. If we were lucky there was orange juice in the house, or we could get it mixed with lemon juice and sugar.

So after obtaining an ounce of this wonderful oil, I went on a mad quest for knowledge and learned all of the wonderful properties and benefits of this black Castor oil. I also learned that it was as good as, if not better than Jamaican Black Castor Oil. Now if only I had a source by which to obtain it. All of the oil that I found commercially which was very little, was exactly the same as the Castor oil I'd found in the pharmacy. Ahem...... NO!! I want the real thing. As luck would have it I found another blogger that listed the company Kreyol Essence as a supplier of 100% Organic & Unrefined Haitian Castor Oil. Unable to order from the website, I called the customer service number and left a message, I hate leaving messages but I was desperate y'all.

  I must say that Kreyol Essence has great customer service. I spoke with Mr. Stephane Jean-Baptiste, Chief Operations Officer (and future husband of the company's founder Yve-Car Momperousse), both of Haitian descent. I explained that I wanted to obtain and review the product for my blog and YouTube channel. We discussed our histories with this oil, and he arranged to have samples delivered to me. I must say that this product is the exact same thing as the oil that I had to go on a wild goose chase to obtain. But this oil is even better, why you ask:

1. It is from a reliable source so it is not adulterated for profit or to meet personal taste preferences. When obtaining oil from other sources, you have no guarantee, or implication as to the quality of the oil or quality control measures taken during manufacturing. Kreyol Essence Haitian Castor Oil is 100% Organic and Unrefined.

2. It is a resource to the Haitian people and is providing valuable income, and employment opportunities to the manufacturers, farmers, and exporters of this authentic commodity.

3. When you purchase Kreyol Essence products you are investing in the people of Haiti who were severely impacted by the earthquake. The company is projected to employ as many as 125 employees. Palma Christi: The Oil of Haiti is the first and only 100% organic Haitian Castor oil on the market.

As stated on the bottle: Palma Christi: The Oil of Haiti(TM) is the first and only 100% organic Haitian Castor Oil on the market. Palma Christi is an ancient oil that has medicinal, curative and therapeutic benefits. This rich and smooth enchanted oil is extracted using a traditional Haitian method that is guaranteed to contain the full range of highly active and undamaged healing properties needed to:
Thicken and nourish hair| Prevent hair loss| Rejuvenate and moisturizes skin to keep wrinkles at bay| Prevent scars and stretch marks| Remove calluses,corns,warts, and moles| Encourage nail growth| Relieve arthritis, back pain and muscle aches & so much more!
DIRECTIONS: Hair growth: apply directly to the scalp and rub in with fingers for maximum penetration of oil. Deep Conditioner: Add to your favorite conditioner or place in hair as hot oil treatment for 30-60 minutes with heat. For extremely damaged hair leave on overnight. Body Aches: For healing of tissues and organs soak flannel in Castor oil and place in the area of pain. Corns: Apply oil once or twice daily to the corns, then surround the corn with an adhesive corn pad that is cut out in the middle. Nails: Apply the oil to your nails with a cotton swab. Apply freely to cuticles.
My Experience:
I use the oil for hair growth, body aches, body massage, medicinal, and skin care needs. I dilute it for my scalp by mixing one part Extra Virgin Castor Oil (EVCO), and two parts Palma Christi Haitian Black Castor Oil (HBCO), and French Lavender & Rosemary EO drops. I apply it undiluted to my thin problem spot. I apply it to my problem spot daily and massage for 5-10 minutes to aid penetration and increase circulation. Since I began using the Castor oil my very thin spot just beyond my edges, on the right side which stretches from my temple area to just above my ear, has thickened and filled in some. I also apply it undiluted, twice a week to my brows and lashes, using a lash brush. For massage, I apply it to my back and use a percussion massager, and then cover with a piece of plastic/plastic wrap, and heat pack. I use it on my knee also which I recently fell and injured. I have used this oil for my sinus allergy flare ups and it worked very well. I placed it on a cotton swab and rubbed it high up in my nostrils to shrink inflamed, swollen tissue. It is great on acne and inflamed skin, after washing my face I place two drops of HBCO and two drops of Jojoba oil, in the palm of my wet hand, rub my hands together and apply it to my very wet face. I also use it to spot treat pimples as they form.

Much like the Haitian people who use this oil for so much I am totally smitten with this oil and would not be without it. It has so many uses and has nearly replaced all other oils used on my body with the exception of coconut and Shea oil. Any other oils are used in combinations, oil mixes, and  butter mixes. Although the Kreyol Essence website is unavailable for ordering, by going to the site and registering they will send an exclusive email containing a purchase link for this product. Please visit the Kreyol Essence website The company has even more products in the works and I am so excited and looking forward to becoming a loyal customer. The Palma Christi Haitian Castor Oil is totally worth it and of the best quality. I'd recommend this to anyone looking to try authentic black Castor oil.


week 5 
week 7

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How To: Deodorizing Haitian/Jamaican Black Castor Oil

There are many that want to use the popular Jamaican Black Castor Oil, or the Haitian version. However there is on common complaint among those using it- the scent. It has a very unique smokey aroma, which comes from the roasting of the castor beans. The beans are harvested, washed, and allowed to dry in the sun. They are then roasted over an open fire pit in a cast iron pot using constant turning, crushed to extract the oil, drained, and then boiled to further extract the oil.  The roasting process leaves behind a scent of smoke. This is what turns many users off.

When I got my first oil I didn't know what to expect as far as the aroma. I got it in a small container and some leaked onto my hand when I opened it. It was a dark liquid that appeared black, and it was thick like molasses. The smell however was nothing sweet and quite strong. So strong that when I opened it in the car everyone let their windows down. The container that I used when I purchased the oil was not the one I planned to use it from. I showed up to buy it not knowing it was from a large jug and I needed to bring a container so I just grabbed what was convenient in my purse, a pill bottle. When I reached home I transferred the oil into my bottle with the applicator tip. A small amount of oil remained pooled in the pill bottle, which
smelled heavily of the oil. For some reason I left the pill bottle sitting open on my bedroom dresser. 

Days later I picked up the bottle thinking why is this just sitting here. That quickly I'd forgotten what had been in the bottle, until I saw the small amount of pooled, dark colored oil. I dipped my finger into the bottle and pulled out just enough to wet my fingertip. The oil and the bottle had absolutely NO SCENT. Over the course of a few days the aroma of burnt rubber had completely dissipated. Gone, completely from the oil and bottle. This led me to discover that the scent of the oil will disappear over time if exposed to air.

To accomplish this: use a glass baking dish that is at least 9x13, or large enough so that the oil is in a thin layer. I chose glass because its a non reactive material. Pour your oil into the dish and place it where it can't waste or be tipped over. Allow it to sit in the open exposed to the air in your home for a few days, 2-3, depending on the strength of the aroma, stirring occasionally. When the scent has dissipated to your satisfaction, place the oil back into a capped or lidded container. Hopefully this process will make it easier to use this wonderful oil. You may also add an essential oil to the castor oil. Lavender, Rosemary, Ylang Ylang, Peppermint, Sweet Orange, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus and Lemon/ Lemongrass are all essential oils that I've seen used with success. Please add essential oils in the appropriate ratio and allow time for the scent to develope, it may take a few hours.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Castor Oil Challenge-End of Week 2

This is for end of week two of the castor oil challenge. This week I applied castor oil to my affected area( just above my right ear and near my hairline) daily, and to my entire scalp three times. I massaged my scalp a total of fifteen minutes every night, and I massaged my problem area several times for short periods during the day.
I even used a percussion massager on my scalp a few times. It was very relaxing, I don't know if it helped with growth, or thickening.

I added a third of Extra Virgin Coconut oil to my castor oil also. This is what I will be using until the end of the challenge. I have castor oil in my spritz, and my butter mix for sealing. Using the oil from my fingers after massaging my scalp gives my hair the healthiest shine ever. I only have about an ounce of castor oil mix remaining, but a little goes a long way.

My result photos are below. I see no progress but it has only been two weeks so far.

Wash and Go fail

This post is about just what the title states. I have been natural for nearly two and a half years and I've only tried a wash and go twice prior to yesterday. When I had shorter hair, my regimen consisted of washing, conditioning, moisturizing, detangling, and twisting. Now that I have length, the only way my hair dries and its not like a giant cotton ball, with a web of tangles is if I twist, flat twist, coil or braid it. I cannot leave my hair to its own devices or it will knot onto itself causing me pain(literally), and loss strands.

I don't know why I felt as though Wednesday would be different. I wanted to refresh my hair and add moisture so I co washed and left a little V05 Shea Cashmere conditioner in my hair.  I then added oils( castor,African Pride Olive Miracle), and Cantu Shea Butter for Natural Hair Coconut Curling Cream. It looked nice and moisturizer. I didn't have much definition, but it looked fine. Then I allowed it to dry. I ended up with a dry frizzy mess, sitting and thinking what did I do wrong?
I don't plan to try the wash and go again anytime soon however, next time I plan to complete every step in my regimen, and add a curling cream, or styler, and shingle using my Denman brush. I get nice curl definition using this method when I prepare my hair for twists. But I'll skip the twist step and let it dry lose.  I am going to give it at least three tries before I rule out wearing wash and go styles. I love my curl pattern, but I can't take the tangled web it weaves when allowed to dry lose. Any advice readers? Chime in please, and save me some pain and strands.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Castor Oil Challenge- September 2012

I am so glad that September has finally arrived because this month kicks off our Castor oil challenge. I decided to start the challenge because I have a problem area on the right side of my head, located just above the ear, about half inch wide and two inches long. The hair is very fine, and looks as if I'm going bald.  I can hide this spot with hair but I am aware that its there and I want to test the effectiveness of the Haitian Black Castor Oil I obtained from a local market. Beginning September 1, 2012 and ending November 6, 2012 I'm starting a 60 day Castor oil challenge. The guidelines f the challenge are as follows:

1. Post pictures and/or measurement of your current length, thickness, and or area to be treated.
2. Use Castor oil at least three times weekly on scalp(entirely or focused area).
3. Disclose other ways you use Castor oil in your regimen i.e. sealant,butter mixes, spritz, DC, hot oil treatments, added to finished products.
4. All Castor oil mixes must be a minimum of 50%(half) Castor oil. No added Biotin, MSM, Cayenne pepper, Paprika. Cannot be a grease claiming to contain Castor oil.
5. Disclose type of Castor oil used, i.e. Regular(medical/refined/cosmetic), Jamaican/ Haitian Black Castor Oil, a blend of different Castor oils.
6. Post picture/ length check weekly, state number of times Castor oil was applied that week, and how applied.
7. Post any negative effects, or changes such as a different Castor oil, different regimen, etc. anything that can effect hair grow.

I am using Haitian Black Castor Oil. I will be applying it daily to my problem area pictured below. I will also be applying a mix of Olde Jamaica Castor Oil blend and Haitian Castor oil with Lavender essential oil to my entire scalp three times a week, along with a daily scalp massage. I have regular Castor oil in my Butter mix that I use for sealing, and my moisture/ re wetting spritz.

Right Side

Right Side

Castor Oils- Olde Jamaica(yellow)
Haitian Black Castor Oil

NOTE: Black Castor Oil has a very distinct smell. No one describes it the same. It has a smoky aroma, similar to wood chips, or a fire log.  



Results- Aunt Jackie's Curls and Coils

My most recent review was for Aunt Jackie's Curls and Coils. I did a full review of  the product line and posted it on this blog and my YouTube channel. The last step and product in the line is the Curl La La: Defining Curl Custard. After applying the custard, I twisted my hair in three strand twists and it remained that way for about three or four days. I did add moisture to my hair, using a simple oil and water spritz, which is a part of my routine. Now this is where it turns, I had to undo my twists, and when I untwisted my hair it was very, very soft. My hair felt like cotton, but it was also very tangled like balls of cotton. I had to detangle with my life saving concoction of water, oil, and conditioner to retwist for the night. My roots were like tied knots as if there had been a crew of knot fairies working overtime.  Because I have many dense textures, having to detangle is not only a hassle but it can lead to breakage and damage to my strands, which should be avoided in any healthy hair regimen.

Now, for the good part. There are curlies that need softening. They need products that not only work but make or keeps the hair soft. This is a perfect product for them. However I have not given up on the product.  I am going to use it in my regimen as my twisting cream, proceeded by the LOC method. Because this product offers medium hold and good definition, I definitely want to see how it works with the LOC method. I am also going to reuse the entire line and add my butter mix (O) and the Beautiful Textures Moisture Butter (C) in between the Aunt Jackie's Knot On My Watch (L), and the Aunt Jackie's Curl la la(S). I hope I will see more satisfactory results.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Aunt Jackie's Curls and Coils- A Review

So about two weeks ago I received my media review package from Aunt Jackie's Curls & Coils, a House of Cheatham brand product line. I must advise that I contacted the company and requested samples for the purpose of review, I am not being compensated, influenced, nor am I employed by House of Cheatham, or its affiliate companies.

This past Wednesday I conducted my hair care regimen using only the Aunt Jackie's Curls & Coils  products. I used the products in order, and according to manufacturer directions. My review is based on the following factors: A. Ingredients, B. Effectiveness, C.Aesthetics(smell, consistency, packaging), D. Cost & Availability, E. Product Promise & Practicality of Use. 

1. Oh So Clean ( Shampoo)- A. This product is a sulfate free, softening shampoo enriched with Shea butter and olive oil. It contains no Mineral oil, petrolatum, sulfates, or parabens. B. This product does what it states and cleans the hair effectively while softening and moisturizing the hair. I must also state that I have tried three sulfate free shampoos and my hair had a bad response to all three. This is the first that didn't leave me with my hair feeling like wet hay. C. The products in this line have the same fresh, fruity,smell. It is not very strong or overpowering. It is the same consistency of a moisturizing shampoo, and is pearlized. The packaging is a flip top 12 ounce bottle. D. The Oh So Clean Shampoo is priced at $9.99, and is available in most beauty supply stores or will be available soon. Keep in mind this is a new product line. E. The shampoo promises to thoroughly and gently cleanse and soften the most difficult to manage hair. It fulfilled the product promise, and is practical to use, as it is used in the manner of most shampoos, by wetting and lathering the hair. Overall this is a product that I would purchase for use.

2. In Control (Conditioner)- A. A sulfate,paraben, mineral oil, and petrolatum free, anti-poof moisturizing and softening conditioner. It is enriched with Shea butter, olive oil, and botanical extracts of nettles, rosemary, horsetail, and safflower oil. B. This was effective at moisturizing and conditioning my hair. It left my hair very soft, and it had lots of slip. C. The smell of In Control is consistent with the fresh, fruity, scent of the other products. It has the consistency of a thick gel like conditioner, with good slip. The packaging is a 15 ounce screw top jar. D. In Control is priced at $9.99, and is available in beauty supply stores, or soon will be. Keep in mind this is a new product line. E. The In control conditioner promises to tame your texture, deliver superior softness, manageability, and improve elasticity. The product did make my hair super soft. I never had a problem with manageability, or elasticity. The conditioner is used as most deep, or reconstructive conditioners are being applied after shampooing and left on for 10 minutes, under a plastic cap. This is a product that I will purchase.

3. Knot On My Watch (Detangling Therapy/ Leave- In)- A. A sulfate, paraben, mineral oil, and petrolatum free instant  detangler. Enriched with Shea butter, olive oil, and cocoa butter. B. A very effective detangler, it is softening and moisturizing. It offered lots of slip, and help rid my hair of tangles in no time. C. The smell is consistent with the other products in the line a fresh, fruity, scent. It is a thick, viscous, slippery liquid, packaged in a 12 ounce flip top bottle. D. Knot On My Watch is priced at $9.99, and is available in beauty supply stores or soon will be. E. Knot On My Watch Instant Detangling Therapy, promises to soften, help restore moisture balance, and eliminate knots and tangles, while protecting against breakage. This product did a good job of helping detangle, moisturize my hair. It is applied after the shampoo and condition steps, as a leave-in, detangler. I would purchase this product, it is comparable with my HG leave-in conditioner.

4. Curl La La ( Defining Curl Custard)- A. A sulfate, paraben, mineral oil, petrolatum free defining curl custard  enriched with Shea butter and Olive oil. B.  An effective defining custard that gave good definition to my curls and coils. It was not very moisturizing but gave good definition and sufficient hold to my three strand twists. C. The smell is consistent with the other products in the line, and is the consistency of a custard. It is not heavy, greasy, or oily. It is packaged in a 15 ounce screw top jar. D. Curl La La is priced at $9.99, and available at beauty supply stores, or soon will be. E. Curl La La promises to "Say goodbye to frizz, unruly curls, and lifeless coils. Define, shape, and control curls, waves, coils, and braid outs, while adding moisture, shine, and natural conditioning". Curl la la gave good curl definition with minimum product, suitable for wash and go styles. It also gave good hold and definition for my three strand twists, and twist out. It is a product that I will purchase and is comparable to my HG twisting cream, while being price lower.

Overall the Aunt Jackie's Curls and Coils  line is a good quality line, which is effective, fulfills product promises, and offers a great value. It is further appealing because it is available in brick and mortar stores so there is no special process to purchase. The one thing this line can improve upon is to offer a moisturizing cream, or heavy butter type moisturizer. I would recommend these products to new naturals trying to establish a regimen, or to naturals with established regimens looking to try new products at a good value, or replace current staples. However I have found effective products priced lower, and offering good value also. But this line is definitely worth trying.

Product info can be found at::

YouTube review:: Chocka77

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

BOLO- Aunt Jackie's Curls and Coils

BOLO- Be On The Look Out for, Miss Jackie's Curls and Coils review I recently contacted the customer relations for the brand which is manufactured and distributed by House of Cheatham, maker of the Africa's Best, Organics by Africa's Best, Kid's Organics,Red Fox, etc. and I was chosen to receive a media package of the products for review. This product line is newly released on June 1, 2012, and contains no sulfates, parabens, mineral oil, or petrolatum. I am really looking forward to using the products and giving an in depth review of the line.

First Impression: Packaging- An eye catching design, and a sufficient amount of product with sizes from 12-15 ounces.
Oh So Clean Shampoo- 12oz.
In Control Conditioner- 15oz.
Knot On My Watch Detangler- 12oz.
Curl La La Defining Custard- 15oz.

Price Point: The products in this line are reasonably priced at $9.99, making them affordable, and more appealing than more expensive brands.

Scent: All of the products have the same fragrance which is great when your using an entire line. Nothing is worse than using four products with different scents, and everything clashing. The scent is a light, fruity, clean scent. Not over powering, or obnoxiously strong. Please continue to follow for a full review of the products and results, and tune into my YouTube channel Chocka77, for a review and demo.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Miss Jessie's Baby Buttercreme

I recently received free samples from the Miss Jessie's product line, which included a sample of the Baby Butter Creme. It was a small packet .42oz. and I emptied it into a small 2oz. container.
I first used the Baby Butter Creme over a twist that was located in front of my head, in order to see how the product reacted over other products. It went on smooth, and showed no residue, flakes, or chunks. It left my hair with a shiny finish and soft feel. It wasn't greasy feeling even though it contained a high concentration of mineral oil.
My second use of this product was on a hot, sunny, and humid South Florida day. I used it by smoothing it onto my twists before taking them loose for a twist out. Even after venturing out into the heat and sun, my hair felt moisturized and soft. I would usually have dry, crispy hair by the time I'm out for a few minutes. The key to using this product is applying just the right amount. With water as the first ingredient, and petrolatum as the second, it has hydrating and sealing properties.
The ingredients read as follows: Water, Petrolatum, Glycerin, Mineral Oil, Fragrance, Glyceryl Stearate, PEG-100 Stearate, Acetylated Lanolin, Crembe Abyssinica Seed Oil, Panthenol, Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Oil, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter, Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter, Keratin, PEG-8 Dilaurate, Ceteareth-20, Stearyl Alcohol, Acrylates/ C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Disodium EDTA, Triethanolamine, DMDM Hydantoin, Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate, Caramel, Yellow 5.
Now the price point isn't anywhere near
what I consider affordable or in my budget. What I have concluded to be the ingredient that has given me the desired results is the mineral oil. A cheap ingredient which I have purchased for $3.00, for a 16oz. bottle. I know I can't formulate a product that is an exact duplicate of Baby Butter Creme, but I can improvise my current products to mimic its results. I will consider purchasing from a swap board or during the Miss Jessie's BOGO sale. I like this as a splurge product.

Why I chose Mineral Oil

I have been using my staple products for quite some time now. I have narrowed it down to two products in each category of haircare. I have (2) two each shampoos, conditioners, deep conditioners, leave-in conditioners, sealants, moisturizers, and stylers. I adjust the product according to the look I wish to achieve. However the one thing that has eluded me is shine/sheen.

I recently came to a realization that two of my products gives me shine, Miss Jessie's Curly Meringue, and my hair grease. In addition I recently obtained some samples of products from Miss Jessie's to include Baby Buttercream, and Curly Pudding. Although the Baby Buttercream was .47oz. it was enough to see the properties of the product. It gave moisture and shine, and even fought off the South Florida heat and humidity when used during take down of my twist out.
I used the Curly Pudding to re-twist my hair and received moisturized, shiny twists, that resisted weather also. I haven't had these results with my staple styling or finishing products.

Now because the Miss Jessie's is not a product that I would purchase out right because of pricing I began to look for alternative products. When doing so I found the one common ingredient in these products that was absent from my other products, Mineral Oil.  Not to be outdone by ingredients I went out and purchased myself a 16oz. bottle of Mineral Oil for about $3.00.

I'm not an ingredient snob by far, however I want healthy hair. This is a clear, colorless, odorless, very lubricious, medium weight  oil. I figured out the best way to use this oil is to use it during the last step which is styling, after I've added moisture. I added a little to my twists after applying my twisting cream. It gave a nice shine/sheen, but not quite the look of Miss Jessie's products. I'm getting the feeling that the key is in the product formulation.  So with this in mind I mixed the oil into my styler (a small scoop, not the entire container) and finished the styling process. This yielded a result that was also good on shine/sheen, and close to the results of the Baby Buttercream, and Curly Pudding.

I have resolved to using the Mineral Oil during the last step of my regimen, and will continue to work out a formula that gives desired results. Until then I'm scouring the swap boards waiting for that deal on Baby Butttercream, or Curly Pudding. I know for sure mineral oil is accessible without having to mortgage the house.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Health Update

Since my last post it has been over a month and I still don't have my computer fixed. With that being said that's part of the reason I haven't been posting. The other part is that I've been busy and trying to stay in control of my health. It started with a common cold and it has endured since Easter Sunday. I went to the doctor got anti biotics and felt better for about a week. She also put me on nebulizer treatments. A month later,feeling better but with symptoms still lingering and completely cleared away I had a chest X-ray done and it shows some infection in the right lung. I am scheduled to have a CT Scan on Monday and that should give the doctor more insight. The last doctors visit she gave me steroids for a three day cycle. I am hoping it has improved since the steroids. The cough is definitely better and not nearly as bad. As for my Devics related symptoms, I have been doing very well. My mobility is great and my gait and stride are much improved and getting better and better every day. I find that I do well with day to day activities as long as I don't exhaust or over exert myself. I'm even able to do some light excercising. I'm not due for an infusion of Rituxin until August but I'm doing wonderful.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Review: Beautiful Textures Moisture Butter Whipped Curl Creme

I recently reviewed the Beautiful Textures Tangle Taming Leave-In Conditioner and it is a product that I really like. I think it is great. In addition to the Leave-in I also purchased the Moisture Butter Whipped Curl Creme some time before. I used it on top of other products and I wasn't initially impressed with it because I thought it gave me a build up. Well I recently revisited this product on my hair and my daughter's very course, kinky,dry, hair. Her hair is highly porous, and she has no natural curl pattern. When I used it on my hair, I washed with my Aussie Moist shampoo which I love. Conditioned with the Aussie Moist 3- Minute Miracle, rinsed and followed with the leave-in and Moisture Butter Curl creme, and it totally did a fantastic job of moisturiing my hair in conjucntion with the leave-in. I sealed with a shealoe mix, and used my Design Essentials Creme Gel to three strand twist. My hair still felt clean, it didn't have any build up, and didn't feel coated. I had just layered four products onto my hair and it still felt totally moisturized and clean. I would highly recommend using these two Beautiful Textures products together. I am totally satisfied and I think I have found my HG leave-in and moisture butter with the exception of the handmade butter that I make for myself and my clients.My twist out was moisturied and defined, I didn't need to add any moisture for about three days after, and my hair remained in twists for about six days. The ingredients are: Water, Olive oil, Soybean oil, Caprylic/Capric Triglycerides, Behentrimonium Methosulfate, PEG 75 Lanolin, Cetearyl Alcohol, Ceteareth 20, Cetyl alcohol, Argan Oil, Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Mango Butter, Rosemary Extract, Dimethicone, Aloe Vera, Phenyl Trimethicone, Panax Ginseng root Extract, Polysorbate 20, Imidazolidinylurea, DMDM Hydantoin,Yellow, fragrance, Benzyl Benzoate, Benzyl Salicylate,Coumarin, d-Limonene, Hexyl cinnamal, Lyral,Methyl Ionone Gamma.

I purchased this product from Sally's at $5.89 for 8oz. I have also seen this in my local beauty supply store and it is selling for $5.99. The price point is very good and it isn't a product that will give you buyers regret. It is a lot cheaper than other products for natural hair. So if your looking to try a good product I would definitely recommend this.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Beautiful Textures Review: Tangle Taming Leave- In

I know, I know, it's been a long time since I posted here but I've been hella busy. However there was no way I could come without bearing gifts, in the form of a review that is. This review is for my new favorite leave- in conditioner, Beautiful Textures Tangle Taming Leave-In. I have tried different leave-in conditioners and moisturizers during my natural journey. I liked all of them, some more than others. I thought the Kimmaytube leave- in made with my Kinky Curly Knot Today was the be all end all but this is my new favorite.

This is a really thick, moisturizing leave-in that's good for detangling. It has a clean feel and a great consistency. The ingredient list is good also.
The ingredients listed in order include: Water,Olive Oil,Argon Oil,Soybean Oil, Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Mango Butter,Rosemary Extract, Aloe Vera, Dimethicone, Panax Ginseng Root Extract, Polyquaternium 37,Propylene Glycol,Dicaprylate/dicaprate, Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil, Glycerin, DMDM Hydantoin, Cetearyl alcohol, Ceteareth 20, Polysorbate 20, Propylene Glycol, Imidazolidinyl Urea, Phenyl Trimethicone, Yellow, Fragrance, Benzyl Benzoate, Benzyl Salicylate,Coumarin, d-Limonene,Hexyl Cinnamal,Lyral,Methyl Ionone Gamma.

All of the oils such as argon, olive, and the butters such as Shea,and mango are listed as the primary ingredients following only water. I haven't found a product containing Argon oil in which it was the third listed ingredient. In products that I have found containing argon oil it was much further down the ingredient list while it was highly boasted on the product label and in advertising. I used this product in conjunction with the moisture butter, followed by sealing with shealoe mix, and using a styler and twisting. My twist out is very defined, moisturized, soft and silky. It has a nice shine, which is much for me, and lots of body. I would definitely recommend this leave-in, and it has a good price point, under $7. In fact the Beautiful Textures Tangle Taming Leave-In costs only $5.99 at my local beauty supply store and it is about the same at Sally's. So if you are looking for a good leave-in and you are over paying premium prices this is highly recommended.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I received a package in the mail that contained samples of six different Dax products. Although my interest was mainly in the ROOTS line of products which were developed for natural hair, I was thankful to receive the other samples. I have had the products about a month now and I took the time to use them in my wash routine this past Sunday. I mixed and applied my pre-poo. I washed my hair using my usual liquid form of African Black Soap,and followed it with the DAX ROOTS HAIR MAYONNAISE! One word review: Amazing. I counted everything against this product because I only received four sample sized packets and I have very thick,dry,highly porous, hair. I seperated my hair into four sections using butterfly clips, and applied the hair mayonnaise from root to tip. The product has a thick gel/conditioner consistency, and offers lots of slip for detangling. When I'd completed the application I could instantly feel how soft and moisturized my hair was. I then covered my hair in a plastic cap and continued with my normal activities for about an hour. The directions say about 15 minutes.

Ingredients:Water,Tridaceth-6,Propylene Glycol,Dicaprylate/Dicaprate, Glycerin,Behentrimonium Methosulfate, Cetyl Alcohol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Dimethicone PEG-7 Cocoate, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Polyquaternium 37, Sweet Almond Oil, Avocado Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil, Jojoba Seed Extract, Sesame Seed Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, Safflower Flower Extract, Cotton Seed Oil, Nettle, rosemary Leaf, Arctium Lappa Root, Betula Alba Bark, Rosa Canina Friut, Carrageenan, Dandelion Root, Brewers Yeast, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride,Hydrolyzed Collagen,Albumen(Dried Egg Whites), tridecyl stearate, Neopentyl glycol dicaprylate/dicaprate, Tridecyl trimellitate,Fragrance,Methylchloroisothiazolinone, methylisothiazolinone,FD&C Red No.40, Yellow 5 Lake.

Cost: $15.47 for 14 ounce jar.

Final thoughts: My hair is as soft as a newborn bunny's fur. I can't remember my hair being this soft. It is almost scary to think that a conditioner can do this to my hair. I have tried many conditioners and none have given me this effect. We are all familiar with the not so natural products by Dax but this is a natural Product that is definitely worth a try. Three days later: I took my three strand twists out today. I twisted them after washing and using the Dax Roots products. It is nearly time for bed and my hair is still hydrated and soft. It is usually dry, frizzy, and hard after being exposed to the South Florida heat, and humidity, no matter how I moisturize and seal. I think the Dax Roots Hair Mayonnaise is worth every penny.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Minor Setback with my Devics Syndrome

On monday my hospital free spree came to an end. I had not been in a hospital for nearly two years, prior to Monday. I haven't suffered any illnesses or setbacks from my Devics Syndrome/ MS since June 2010. But on yesterday February 27, 2012 it ended when I had to go to the local emergency room for some pretty bad abnormal pain in my back, neck, and right hip. I knew it was a result of the infection in my bladder and a way of my body signaling to me to go and get treated. I had a really painful experience and it was all because of this minor issue. My immune system is so active that it attacks everything not only the virus, illness, or infection. Thats why it is important for me to stay healthy and free of any type of foreign illness that my immune system has to fight off. Fortunately today after a round of IV antibiotics and some rest and relaxation I was able to return home after only 24 hours. I used the rest of today to catch up on some rest, and reading. I know this is a short post but I am going to wrap this one up and go to bed. I really need a good night's rest, but I wanted to share this experience with my blog readers.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Father God because you woke me up this morning, you have already done enough. Should your grace, mercy, and favor extend beyond me to my needs and desires, I say this prayer for the Black Woman: Lord carry the load of worry on her shoulder. Teach the child obedience, and respect. Give her the strength and patience to place faith in you and not man. Give her the heart to love herself for what you have created her to be, and not for what man or society sees as her beauty. Lord when it seems like her rope of hope has broken or unraveled, give her the strength to reach beyond the break. Teach her to recognize the tricks of the enemy and know that the lure of destruction may shine like gold, and reflect like diamonds, but it will tarnish black like dirt and crumble like glass. Lord lead her to pray and ask God for strength and a renewal of faith and trust. Lord give her a smile when she has a desire to cry. Give her a spirit of submission to your will. Let the enemies see your might and provisions for her and make those that war against her, her footstool and the fertilizer of the ground which grows fertile blessings for her. Lord let your grace and mercy carry her through and let her always glorify, praise, and magnify the Lord. Lord I pull down the stronghold of illness, financial trouble, disobedient children, car trouble, workplace trouble, health problems, stress, disorder in the home, lack of faith, temptation, and lust. Father make provision for all of her needs and show her that you are the way, the truth and the light, and that all good things come form you almighty God. Lord I just want to glorify and magnify your name, Lord I praise you, Hallelujah. Lord I thank you. Father I ask all of this in the name of your son Jesus, Amen.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I'm my own Valentine

I know Iknow, this is going to probably garner some blank stares. Basically it is about teaching yourself to love yourself. This is how to be your own Valentine. Loving yourself is a great gift to give to yourself, and those who love you. The gift of love is a great gift to share, not just on Valentine's Day. I am blessed because God gave me a husband who loves me on a daily basis and does small things to show me that I'm his Valentine every single day. My husband is the main shopper in the house hold, unless it involves a beauty supply store. On Saturday my kids and I took a trip to the local Winn-Dixie and I realized that I hadn't been in the store since December 2009. I would always just wait in the car for my hubby to run in or I would try and get everything when we went to Wal-Mart to get our groceries. I didn't have to go to the store and this is one of those small things. He gives me so much support and strength that when I look in the mirror I can love myself more because of the person my hubby helps me to be. As a mother I can say that he is a wonderful father. He takes as much interest in being a father as I do in being a mother. He is very hands on. He helps pick out clothes, shoes, and acessories for the girls when we shop. he has also been known to buy mommy(me) an item or two. Which brings me to my gifts for the day two very pretty shirts that my hubby and kids drove 40 miles to buy just for me. I love you guy with all my heart. Thanks for teaching me the true meaning of love on a daily basis and not just showing it once a year. You all are my reasons for loving, and I love myself even more.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dealing With Devics Today

Today is one of those days that I have had a rough patch in dealing with my illness. I was due to go and have my infusion on Friday, January 27, 2012. However, I had an insurance issue and it has been moved to this Thursday the 2nd of February. Now if any of you follow the blog, I have explained that I get my infusions every six months, and that the treatment is benifical to me. I haven't been hospitalized in nearly two years, a long time for me.

I recently had an opportunity to enjoy a night out at the fair with the family. It is a once a year event and I am really happy I had a chance to enjoy it. We went on Thursday, and it wasn't very crowded, the kids got a chance to ride and the lines weren't long. I did a lot of walking too. How you ask? I pushed my wheelchair. Yep, I walked along pushing an empty chair as if someone was in it. When it was time to wait I parked it and took a seat to rest. We covered most of the rides and I was just glad to get around the fair with some independence. Now, today I think I am suffering from some exhaustion. I did a lot on Thursday, and I have been in bed since. It is really hard getting people to understand the fatigue and pain factor of dealing with Devics, but I promise to take it one day at a time and enjoy every good day I have. I would really like to be in contact with others with Devics, and I love to share information about the illness. If anyone has any questions or comments feel free to leave them below and I will respond promptly.

Do You Class Your Hair

As a new natural I wanted only the best, most complex products for my hair. I had to have the perfect ingredients, from the most well known product line, and my products had to be all the rage. I don't know if I thought this would make my hair different, or if I only wanted what was best for my hair. At any rate I have learned that sometimes the products you least expect to work for your curls will be a really good fit. I have learned not to class my curls. I have learned this with some trial and some error. I have also learned that the ingredients and the amount of those ingredients are important also. Just because a product contains an exotic butter, oil, or extract, doesn't mean it's a good product. It may only contain a quarter teaspoon of that ingredient in an eight(8) ounce container or larger. Now realistically speaking how much will that ingredient benefit your hair? I say very little benefit if any. Below are my guidelines for selecting products that are beneficial to your hair's needs.

1. Get To Know Your Hair: The single most important thing in selecting whats good for your mane is knowing the needs of your hair. Become familiar with what is needed to give your hair moisture. Does your hair need protein, or deep conditioning? What is the porousity of your hair, and if it would benefit from a heavy sealant. Knowing your hair will help you know which products to evaluate and which products to avoid. Your hair will definitely guide you in the right direction.

2. Do Your Research: I think it is important to know the effects of products on different hair types. This helps to give you realistic expectations of the products performance. I always read reviews and watch Youtube videos before buying a new product. Knowing what to expect from a product will keep you from buying a product not suited to meet a particular hair need. I can't expect hold and definition from a leave-in conditioner when that's not its purpose. It is important to know what a products intended uses are.

3. Know How Individual Ingredients Work: The best consumer is an educated consumer. Knowing Your hair's reaction to common ingredients in hair care products will help you to select products that give favorable results. If you are protein sensitive, you know to avoid products with a high protein content. If your hair doesn't like shea butter, buying products with a shea butter base may not be a good idea. If your not familiar with how your hair reacts to an ingredient or a product, buy the smallest, and least expensive product to try as a sample. If you have unfavorable results you won't feel it as much in the pockets.

4. Never Say Never: Unless a product or ingredient is proven to be caustic, or damaging to your hair, don't rule out trying it in your routine. When I first went natural I completely stopped using products containing mineral oil, or petroleum. I've recently revisited several products which contain these ingredients and I have really benefited from them. A couple are now part of my routine. I've found that the products I used didn't contain a large amount of mineral oil, or petroleum, but that the amount contained in my choice products worked good with my hair. It should all be done with the best care for your hair in mind.

5.Product Pricing Isn't Everything: I have purchased products that were expensive and weren't worth the box they were shipped in. I've also purchased a $4.00 conditioner from my beauty supply store, that worked as well as my $20.00 mail order conditioner, and contained twice the volume. This further taught me that my hair didn't know what my conditioner costed and that I had placed price/quality expectations on my product choices. Now, in some instances you do get just what you pay for, and I'd advise putting those label reading skills to the test. But if a product contains the right ingredients, and is a good value, why not try it. You may find something you like.

Overall my best lessons were learned from experience, and the experiences of others. I still found it fun and interesting to try new things. I learned not all things worked for all hair types. Not all techniques worked for me, and that sometimes the basics were sufficient. So as a word of advice be open, try new things, and most of all do what's best for your hair.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Eco Meringue- My styling/twisting concoction

Have you ever had a product that was almost your perfect product but something was missing from it. I am in that same boat right now. I have tried products that were almost perfect but seemed to lack one or two properties. In 2010 my first year as a natural I made a concoction using the clear Eco styler gel and shea butter. I wasn't big on YouTube videos and didn't know it was called Eco custard. I used this product to give my hair curl definition because I wore it in an afro. Now that my hair is longer, and does not do well with wash and go styles or loose afros, I mainly wear twist outs and braid outs. I have tried many different products and they all kind of lacked one property or another. Heavy butters lock in moisture and softness, but offered no hold, or lasting definition. Hair grease was good also but offered only a little hold. I fell in love with Design Essentials Cream Gel and it gave me everything I wanted but the price was out of my budget. Fact is I have tried many different products and I can say that I've only had a few not so good experiences, but nothing that was a definite staple as my twisting product. The only thing that was a must have product was raw shea butter, but it too lacked something.

Recently I received my order of Miss Jessie's Curly Meringue, that I ordered during the BOGO from Target. I really liked the definition and hold that it gave, but it left my hair a bit too stiff and borderline crunchy. It also had no moisturizing effects on my hair. Before using this I had used an Eco custard mix, and it didn't give enough hold,or frizz resistance. I then thought that maybe I can get the benefits of both my Eco custard and MJ Curly Meringue, by mixing them together. After paying what I paid for this stuff, not using it wasn't an option. I started by making my Eco Custard(recipe follows) and adding the MJ Curly Meringue, to it. I got a finished product that closely resembles my beloved DE Cream Gel, and didn't have to buy the Design Essentials. I did my first twists with it this past Friday and I am really pleased with the results. I have definition, hold, shine, and softness, without having tackiness, dryness, or that crunchy, stiff, brittle feeling. As with any products you have to use them in the proper proportion, along with the right technique. My technique and recipe are as follows.

1 Tbsp. Eco Styler(olive oil)
2 tsp. Castor Oil or shea butter(any heavy oil/butter will do)
1 tsp. olive oil(any light oil will do)
2 tsp. water or water based leave-in conditioner
Mix after adding each ingredient. This gives you the opportunity to adjust your recipe between ingredients using the amount necessary to fit your individual needs. I then add 1Tbsp. Curly Meringue, which gives the hold factor.

My Technique: I started with freshly washed hair. I pre-pooed, detangled, washed, deep conditioned,and applied my Kimmaytube leave-in mix. I then sectioned my hair into six sections, three on each side,using my fingers to section and securing the sections with butterfly clips. I then went through each section, applying more leave-in conditioner as needed, while finger combing and detangling with my Denman like Goody brush. I pulled an appropriate size section of hair from the larger section, applied a little grease/pomade to hair(to help seal in moisture),and a finger tip amount of the Eco Meringue being careful not to use to much, and proceed to twist my hair. If the hair dried or wasn't quite damp enough I simply misted it with my water mixture(water,leave-in conditioner) before applying more leave-in, grease, and eco meringue.

I allowed my hair to dry overnight and I now have a well defined twist out with great definition, hold, shine, body, and moisture. It is important to note that I used a medium weight hair grease(Softee Indian Hemp), which can be replaced by a butter,natural pomade(petroleum or mineral oil free), or heavy oil as a sealant. By using the products you already own to mix and customize your own products, that are best suited for your hair care needs, you may find that HG product that has all the properties you need. In addition to meeting the needs of my hair and style routine, I find it fun to just experiment with different ingredients. What new products have you created by mixing those you already own? Was your mix successful? Feel free to share your recipes and tips.

My Product Budget

Last year was my first full year as a natural, and I tried some different things on my hair. I did not go overboard because I don't have that kind of money. I am disabled and I have to purchase things that fit within my budget which is about $50.00 per month. I have pretty much found my staple products which surprisingly are mostly home made. The only things I buy are ingredients and conditioners, like my deep conditioners. I just recently started to try and find a staple styling/twisting product, to use as my staple. Any PJ will tell you that spending will get out of hand if you don't manage your budget. As much as I would love to try everything I see on YouTube and the blogs I can't, and I am challenging myself to spending only $25.00 monthly on hair products. This is not my ingredient budget for buying raw ingredients but for buying made products from a store or a web site. With a budget of $25.00 I can buy products to try and it is sufficient. I can also have enough to replace my regular staple products. My budget is designed to carry any leftover money over to the next month and redistribute it, however I can't spend in advance. For example, if I only spend $15.00 this month, the remainder carries over to February and my budget becomes $35.00, but I can't spend $35.00 this month and take $10.00 away from February.

This month I have spent a total of $18.00 on products as follows: $3.49 on 32oz. of Proclaim Cholesterol Conditioner, $12.00 on 6 packs of perm rods(rollers), and $1.99 on African Pride Olive Miracle Growth Oil. I don't need anything else and I am also trying to work on the things I have in my stash. I hope this will make a big difference in my budget and me becoming a minimalist. Are you practicing any new spending habits for this year? Do you have a hair budget, and do you stick to it if so? If you have a budget what do you hope to accomplish? Feel free to leave a comment or feedback.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Review: Miss Jessie's Curly Meringue

There can't be a natural that hasn't heard of Miss Jessie's prooducts. It is a product line founded by two sisters and marketed towards the natural hair community. Although the products are not all natural, lots of naturals use them. I watched so many YouTube videos, read so many blog reviews, and forum posts before deciding to buy this product. It is not cheap 8oz. for $22 from, but I ordered during the BOGO free sale. This product is medium weight with a pudding like consistency, and it smells like some sort of lemon bubble gum. Its ingredients are: Water,Paraffinum Liquidum(mineral oil),Glycerin,Triethanolamine,Fragrance,Carbomer,Wheat Amino Acids,Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract, Avocado Oil, Coconut Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Jojoba Seed Oil, Olive Fruit Oil, Oleth-5, Peg-12 Dimethicone, Elthylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Disodium EDTA, DMDM Hydantoin, Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate, Yellow #5.
Package Statement- Transform frizzy fros to bodacious volumized curls.

I used this product on fresh washed hair, following my normal wash, conditon routine. I washed with my homemade liquid black soap mixture, deep conditioned with my Komaza Care Olive Moisture Mask, and applied my Kinky Curly Knot Today Leave-In conditioner mix. I then sectioned my hair into four large quadrants, and detangled in preparation for my twists. Once detangled I sectioned out enough hair to form a medium size twist, applied a finger tip amount- not a scoop, just a touched tip amount, and proceeded to twist. This product had some tackiness to it, and slip. It is not moisturising, but goes on smoothly. I could feel the hold and definition in my twists the minute they started to dry. This alarmed me because I read reviews where the user ended up with hard hair.

After allowing my twist to dry a little I sprayed them with my spray bottle mix, applied a little leave-in mix, and a little of my shea butter mixture. It took the same amount of drying time as usual. Once my hair dried, overnight Saturday, I wore my hair under my bonnet Sunday, and untwisted Monday. I had some WELL defined twists. They were nearly self separating, and required little manipulation to separate. The twists were so defined that I actually thought I had missed a few while untwisting.This product also provided me with great hold, and yes minimum frizz. One thing I don't like about this product is that it is not moisturising, and will leave hair feeling dry unless you know to layer it over a moisturiser and sealant. Another potential con would be using too much. Only a small amount is required to get the desired effect, and too much will definitely leave your hair hard. Knowing what I know now after using this product I will moisturise and seal under it for my next use. You do not have to apply more product to retwist, simply dampen your hair, finger comb section to be twisted,add a sealant if needed and twist. Overall I like this product for my twist outs. It is a bit expensive, but results require little product. For my next application of the product I have created a mix.
1tbsp.Curly Meringue(hold/definition)
1tsp.Kimmaytube leave-in(moisture)
1tsp.Castor oil(sealant)
If this mix works I will have the best of both worlds, hold and definition plus moisturized hair. This may also help to stretch the product and provide for longer use, and savings. In this mix the product still retains its consistency, and smell. I don't know if I would buy it again I still have some trials to do before I decide to invest in this product without a sale.

Review: Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie

I have had this product for a while, since October but I just used it to do a twist out. If you are familiar with the Shea Moisture line then you know that they are shea butter based products with lots of other quality ingredients. I would love to list them all but I don't have the original container. At any rate I made up my mind to try the product hoping it would work for me as a product I can get on the ground. The product is a heavier product, although it is not greasy,or oily. It is the consistency of a thick cream or a cake icing. It is not tacky or sticky either, and has a very pleasant fruity scent.

I started with my usual regimen, wash with my homemade black soap all over wash. I then deep conditioned my hair with Komaza Care Olive Moisture Mask for about 45 minutes. When I rinsed I applied my Kinky Curly Knot Today leave-in mix and proceeded to detangle and section my hair in preparation for my twists.

After sectioning the hair into quadrants, I pinched smaller sections to twist and proceeded to twist my hair in my ususal fashion applying a finger tip amount to each section. I am not heavy handed with the use of products, and I must say a little of this goes a long way. My hair felt really smooth and moisturised once my twists were finished. This product gave some definition and smooth shiny twists. It did'nt enhance the curl pattern, or control frizz. My twist out was uber soft though, like baby hair. This would be a staple product if it had some hold to it. I do not wear wash and go styles but I think this product is ideal for a soft wash and go. It may also help to layer it with a product that provides hold. I may try this technique next time. I would buy this product to keep on hand as a stand by.