Friday, November 13, 2015


Hello blog readers!! Yes I have been gone for some time. I'm back now and I'm ready to resume my blogging adventures. I have had to deal with life and the many things in life that keep us busy! Over the last year , I have had a major setback with my health. Having an autoimmune disorder is a part of life I have to live with daily. There is always something reminding me of the things I can no longer do. However, my blogging and sharing information is a part of my life that I never want to neglect. I can say that the setback was partially if not totally due to me failing to adhere to my medication regimen. Now that everything is returning to my sense of normal, I have a different perspective of what it means to maintain my health.
Also over the past 6 months my oldest son graduated high school. It was a bit of a transition for everyone. Especially for me realizing that I am the mother of an adult. He's a young adult , but an adult nonetheless.
So now that we've done a little catching up, I'm ready to get back on track with blogging. My next entry will be about comments made by Republican Party frontrunner Ben Carson and Donald Trump.