Thursday, December 1, 2011


Lets face it, no one wants to get ill. But for me illness can mean disability, long term and some permanent because of my Devics Disease. In this season when the weather begins to change the behavior of people changes a nd this causes people to stay indoors, spend more time in re-circulated air and in close quarters. Its true that the weather doesn't cause colds or other viruses, but the behavior of people in close proximity to eachother does. So wwhile all these germs circulate my germaphobia kicks in and I go OCD to the third power.

One way I stay germ free is by using bleach. Bleach is my friend and I love the smell of something just cleaned in bleach especially my dishes and my bathroom. It is a great disinfectant and deodorizer. The best bleach for cleaning is the off brand or store brand bleach. This bleach tends to be less buffered. Most bleaches made for clothing has some type of buffer so that it doesn't cause harm to the fabric with repeated use. It is still good for disinfecting and cleaning but I prefer no brand bleach, just my preference, not scientific.

Another tool that I have in my tool box is to do as much physical activity as I can tolerate. Exercise is really healthy in helping you stay healthy overall, and being sure to drink plenty water. These two things help to boost your metabolism and flush the body of impurities, which may cause illness or effect your well being. It is also important to keep hands washed with soap and water, and to wash thoroughly. I taught my kids to wash while singing a verse of their favorite song. Personal hygiene and cleanliness is very important to staying healthy.

My next tool to staying healthy is to boost my immune system with Vitamin C support. The immune system helps to fight off the things that can cause us harm. It is widely believed, though not supported by the FDA, that Vitamin C helps support good immune health. You should also know that I've discussed my health practices with my physician and received the okay to supplement with Vitamins. I also give my kids supplements too, they come in contact with so many other kids and germs, and need to be protected too. I hope these easy tips help someone avoid a horrible cold or flu this season.

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